
So I've only been at my current company for about 9 months but from about a month in I had quite a few concerns regarding the ability level and knowledge of my fellow developer and line manager. The other developers skill set is severely lacking.

And the line managers knowledge of the web is about 10 years out of date.

A potential client approached us with a web project with some interesting requirements and features which I was looking forward to building.

6 months later the project lands on me to start.

Line manager leaves company for another job

I build out the project. Happy with how everything works. Send off for approval, and to client to test.

Client starts getting pissed off, because what I've built doesn't do anything they require. I look back at my brief confused.

Turns out that the project had been scoped out completely wrong. Not enough questions had been asked, and a lot assumptions had been made by my ex-line manager

All resulting in a very pissed off client who want their money back, which I completely support.

I try to salvage the relationship by rescoping the project asking the questions that should've been asked in the first place. Give some very generous timings. Client appreciates my efforts but ultimately decided they don't want to work with my company anymore

And that's that, a project I was genuinely looking forward to building, completely spoilt senior staff being incompetent.

I was very close to handing in my notice, fortunately, my new line manager is actually a developer.

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    I think these problems stem from above line manager. I've had this before, team was laughably underskilled and nobody even saw it.

    Every attempt I made to fix this was met by agreement, but in reality the business made it impossible.

    I eventually gave up and left them to fix the uncontrollable mess themselves.

    6 months on and the business has lost half its developers. Projects are all on life support and they're throwing huge money at it to try and fix the problems.

    If people at top won't listen then fuck it.
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    @craig939393 trouble is im a new parent and need make sure I'm in secure employment for a while. I'dve left already if I didn't have that concern
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    Giving small releases to the customer after a feature was finished would've helped too
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