Next time you bitch about php... Chiggity check yo self

  • 7
    "Never the source of issues" is sarcastic
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    The Olympiastadion was built by Nazis, but it's still a really cool stadium.
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    Love this app even more now. Php + nginx = true love
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    PHP has gotten a bad rep in the past but 7.0 and 7.1 are really quite good.

    And I stand by "never the source of issues." I've worked on some really, really old and bloated legacy PHP applications that get a ton of traffic, and never once has PHP been an actual issue or any kind of bottleneck, memory hog, buggy, etc.

    PHP FTW!
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    I imagine people who complain about php to be those type of devs who still use notepad++ and filezilla to move files on server after each change..
    If your code is bad don't blame the language.. also not every language is right for the job..so if you used it and now feel "limited".. well, again, it's your fault.
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    @dfox just curious, are you using any framework?
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    PHP is life.
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    @vortex Or maybe there is devs that legitimately dislike the language for all the shitty written applications out there. Of course you can write good applications with php. That doesn't change for me, that the language itself is a festering abomination. The language just became the incarnation of bad practice.
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    @Makenshi don't use it then..
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    @vortex I don't. I can still complain about it. Why shouldn't I?
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    Hating a language is immaturity at best.
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    @saiphp Depends on the context. If you need an assessment on a professional level? Absolutely. Subjectively anyone can "hate" whatever they want.
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    @vortex is there an alternative to n++ && filezilla?
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    @Divisionbyzero vs code and winscp
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    @DLMousey You missed my point. I don't argue if php is an objectively bad language. I argue that it's perfectly ok to loath php on a subjective level. If you experienced the pain to maintain or work with some shitty php application, then you have every right to dislike it. People are not idiots for that fact alone. JSPs were also perfectly fine until people started to open db connections inside them.

    So yeah. Of course you can write shitty code in every language. But it's seems to be prevailing in php. That ruins the reputation of the a language and it's users over time. That is unavoidable. If we were to work together on a objective level, this would be another matter entirely.
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    @DLMousey Yeah. That's why I don't do that. :-)
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    @DLMousey Where did I do that? The worth of a language has to be determined by context and by objective arguments. Not by subjective opinions. You should learn to differentiate.
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    @vortex we use Slim 3, which I really like
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    @vortex PHP is my favorite server side language, but mostly out of habit and since I don't do much of server work anymore I use filezilla and notepad++. I just dont feel close with sublime.
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    @Makenshi I think you can dislike PHP for any reason you want but that doesn't mean it's a well-educated position.

    I mean if you're talking about PHP < 7 you're right away talking about a very different version of PHP. I also don't think it's great practice to base an assessment for any language on a legacy application. I've used a ton of shitty Java applications but I still like Java. I've also used a lot of slow Java applications but in reality Java is very fast when the application is written/structured correctly.
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    @dfox what do you think about Laravel?
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    @chrisx84 Laravel is definitely good and a very popular framework choice. It's a bit too bloated for my taste (I like a more bare-bones framework) but I can definitely see why a lot of people like it.
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    @dfox Fuck yeah, *high five*!!!
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