I had a school project to create a fully functional symfony 3 web app in 3weeks( it's a fucking little time with attending courses all day) and at the evaluation day (which is today morning) the professor blamed me sayin' "the template u used is very ugly" "what's the "app_dev.php" " am I supposed to work or to fucking read some framework core files she didn't even asked to see my code .

Ps : to those who don't know symfony framework : LARAVEL was created using symfony )

  • 2
    Are you joking? Your teacher asked u to use symphony but doesn't know wtf app_dev.php is? Does she even know what php is?
  • 0
    @chrisx84 we studied symfony as a course the first semester and she was my teatcher and now my evaluator :/
    And she doesn't know the file app_dev.php
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