Found this in a legacy codebase at work. Can't imagine what the coder was thinking. "Just in case"?

  • 1
    Interesting how the "QV High to low" sorting changes from the default when "10" equals "10"
  • 1
    Clearly not the same sort options in the two cases
  • 2
    @hube which he failed to do correctly anyway. Wtf is switch("10") ?!
  • 5
    Looks like something was not working (maybe numerical 10 used, thats not matching with "10" in a switch) and the ragehardcoded "10" and never came back to the problem (boss asks:have you fixed it? Answer: yes it works now but i need some time to... ,boss: ok thanks got a new task for you.. ) at least thats what i saw alot in my old company
  • 0
    @hube, this is related but IMO better commented:
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