What OS does everyone use, and what kind of dev do you use it for?

I'm using Linux Mint and I do back end and dev ops.

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    Debian. I used to do Backend. Now I only use Terminal and Browsers
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    Dual boot Windows 10 (usually what's latest on the Dev branch) and Pop!_OS (20.10 for now). I do front end, lately mostly Svelte, and mostly on Windows, but recently had to set up some stuff up for Clojurescript on the Pop!_OS install ('cause it didn't play well with Windows, even with WSL).
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    Windows, anything I need Linux for that's what VM's are for 🤷‍♂️

    vsCode with remotessh - what more do you need these days?
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    Better ask: "Which Linux distribution do you recommend and why?"
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    Why thanks, I use Ubuntu with Windows dualbooted. Kinda sucks, I know, but that's the cost of combining ability to play more games, and to pirate good programs, that apparently are needed in industry for their commodity, and to write software myself without stupid quirks of aforementioned proprietary joke of OS, with understanding what problems young generations experience by choosing mainstream Ubuntu over nice Mint. I would love to switch once I get the flash drive to burn this Mint on.
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    Arch, I use it for computer machine. Iunno. Everything I guess
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    @C0D4 I do the opposite. I have a Windows vm for emergencies, and i use sublime with an nfs share over vpn.
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    Manjaro, I script shit, some web dev too.
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    M1 MB Air.
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    At home: windows wsl2 with Ubuntu.
    Work: Macbook pro 2018
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    Also I now have a dual boot desktop, windows for gaming, ubuntu for mining.
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    Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon. For posting stupid shit on devRant.
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    iusearchbtw and full stack web + whatever uni forces me to do.
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    windows for everything, I tried to dual boot Linux but it didn't want to work with RAID so I think I'm just going to buy an external SSD for linux
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    @EthanSnowy didn't want to work with raid? That sounds strange. I've put Linux on many raids in the past with no issues(hardware, llvm, zfs, etc)
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    @EthanSnowy Setting up GRUB with RAID is far from trivial, especially if you don't want to know what GRUB does exactly and how.
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    manjaro linux, used mostly to do frontend web and uni work
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    @C0D4 imagine running linux vms on windows instead of Windows kvms with pci passthrough on linux xD
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    @vintprox get a second gpu and run windows in a kvm
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    At home I’m running Arch Linux with a Windows 10 KVM and I’ve got a MacBook Pro for non-remote duties. I’m currently working backend but I also dabble with web related tasks when needed.
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    @lungdart huh. I tried to install a distro called Garuda and it wasn't detecting my hard drive, and someone told me it was because of my RAID. I just stopped trying and accepted that since I had spent 3 or 4 days trying to fix it. I have an Alienware laptop and I was told that it's something to do with some Intel thing with RAID.
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    @EthanSnowy just install a good distro wtf
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    I am running Alter Linux (a Japanese Arch based) on my 12 years old (or 8, idk) computer. Just normal coding with it.
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    windows with wsl. mainly using .net stack and what can be containerized gets containerized. i also have a k3s cluster build on 3 rpi's which i use for homelab and testing stuff i write.

    i work full time in internal it department. we do everything from backend to frontend, system integration, devops. mainly using c# for backend and angular for frontend. with the next frontend needed i try to push towards blazor wasm so the learning curve for new colleagues is smaller (because they only have to know one language to start getting productive)
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    @fuwn @mundo03 so you have an rtx card and use linux for an alternativ driver or just for safty reasons?
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    Windows 10 for .NET, Xamarin and a little node.js.
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    Personal: debian, no side project in the moment
    Work: windows/rhel 7/8, writing commandline tools for Satellite 6/foreman, since our usecase is too complex for the official tools and satellite itself.
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    @nebula using rancher on k3s or just kubectl?
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    @lungdart just kubectl. cluster contains of 3b, 3b+ and 4b 8gb so it is rather tiny
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    Windows 11 for fun on a surface book (2)

    Windows 10 + VMs (Ubuntu, shoot me XD) for development
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    Dual boot: Windows 10 for gaming only and OpenSuse Leap 15 for everything else.
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