
My life deserve someone better than me.

  • 7
    Imposter syndrome be like:
  • 7
    This hit somewhere. Don’t know where but somewhere deep.
  • 5
    You can give it to me - i can always use some more years...
  • 3
    Someone like Version 2 of you ? #Upgraded
  • 3
    I have been having this feeling for some time now

    It is easy to feel guilty or inadequate or unsatisfied. It is just part of Living Life. Trick is to get adjusted with it. Or work hard to make you feel deserving. It is in your Hands
  • 4
    So that would mean:
    you < what (you think) your life deserve =>
    your life > the life (you think) you deserve

    So you should enjoy it to the fullest while you work towards becoming the one you think your life deserves :)
  • 5
    Be fair to yourself. You weren't given any manual.
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