I'm 22f and sound 14 on zoom calls :S

  • 7
    Sometimes its even worse.

    On conference calls I used to pretend to be the manager of a female counterpart who had 20 years experience on me ... just to pretend to think about something and repeat back what she said.

    Just so some old east coast banker types would listen ....
  • 12
    You probably always sound like that. It's just that you hear yourself different in real life because you have the body internal sound transmission via bones to your inner ear.
  • 9
    @Fast-Nop thanks for nuking the confidence.
  • 10
    @aviophile Welcome to reality.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop reminds me that if I would pay attention I can speak using a normal male voice, but I'm usually speaking using a "nosy" higher pitched voice instead
  • 1
    @iiii Interesting. Maybe I'll try that to see whether wasps obey also when I use a higher voice to command them out.
  • 3
    When I'm using my headphones in conference calls I end up speaking extremely monotonous instead of the way I naturally speak! xD

    It's because it's weird to hear myself all mumbled, and my natural reaction is to speak even more mumbled. Go figure..
  • 5
    I have noticed that when talking to outer circle people in my life, that I tend to speak deeper. When talking to people I am more familiar with and can joke with, I develop a slight lilt. Especially when trying to be humorous. I think I may be influenced by Ryan Reynolds a bit.
  • 6
    I sound like a drunken Brit over videoconferences, so it could be worse
  • 4
    I'm 33M and sound like a 14 year old a lot of the time. 🤷‍♂️

    I also get IDed buying alcohol if I have shaved the same morning.
  • 1
    I am 25M and I sounds like someone just kicked me in the ball during zoom call
  • 1
    24f, here, don't worry, I too sounds like a kid, and it's definitely not only in conf calls :(
  • 2
    @Lyniven is it bad though? I've thought woment wanted to look younger 🤔
  • 1
    @iiii Most want to always look like early 20s.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop we both know why 😏
  • 2
    @FastNop and @aviophile lol I'm a singer and hear myself in recordings, so I'm used to the difference. It's just different in a professional setting. No blow to confidence taken :)
  • 0
    @devdiddydog that happens to me and teammates sometimes, I think it happens at times when we're explaining something technical and not talking spontaneously as in conversation.
  • 1
    @kwilliams and @johnmelodyme you guys are hilarious
  • 1
    @phoooooebe Ok, in that case, I'd blame the shitty headset mic. I spend 50 EUR on my headset so that I have something acceptable.
  • 0
    @phoooooebe btw, I can also sound like a goblin. People mostly tell me: "Just stop that!"
  • 1
    @Demolishun Same for me, my tone and intonation changes significantly depending of the group of people I'm talking to
  • 0
    I noticed that I stutter when on formal video calls (with my friends I'm fine), but I don't remember having trouble getting words out during formal in-person meetings.
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