How to earn points?

  • 2
    Everyone upvotes your rant or comment you get a point ... and hey welcome to devrant :)
  • 0
    @theMEARD you should have added a break condition now the points will reach infinity and his account will be closed
  • 1
    Hey Everyone!
    I'm kinda unsure how this thing works.
  • 4
    Welcome to devrant.

    Thete is cute ++ and -- buttons in the top left right? You upload a rant. People love them. They click ++. Then you get one point. And so on. Same as comments. You write a comment. People like your comment. They click the ++. You get one more point. Getting ++ is called getting upvotes. However when people doesnt like your rant or comment they can press --. This is called downvoting. This will decrease one point. Ex) 20 -> -- button pressed -> 19

    Enjoy ranting and if you get 20 upvotes (or 20++) you can request a free stickers at
  • 1
    @theMEARD lets do a little refactoring
    while (this.points < myPoints){
    IncreaseNumberOfPoints ();

    I don't want him to bypass me after all
    And yes... i should concentrate on work instead of this 😂
  • 5
    @theuvsingh @codeBoy
    The infinity is 999999
    Check out my rant to see the maximum amount of upvotes
  • 1
    Post great rants on a consistent basis. Have fun!
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