We all have that graveyard of domains which we never get to use!

  • 2
    My most recent optimistic domain purchase expires in 2 days. Oh well
  • 2
    @synemeup I just always wish for an email form a tech giant to buy one of my domain 😆
  • 4
    Like fuck I do! I can't afford to spend money sitting on them shits. I have two domains and one was an impulse buy
  • 1
    Can someone say where the meme is from !?
  • 4
    Don't call me out like this. I'm working on a world changing webapp... Eventually.
  • 1
    @ThisIsOra just waiting to update UI and fix some little bugs to launch right? 😛
  • 1
    Finally found out. This is from Star wars 2 : Attack of the clones.
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