
Some companies are structured and work as cults.

Went to company party several days ago and felt as if I was ๐Ÿง  ๐Ÿงผ. The way they talk about the company, people, “mission”, social structure of employees etc. I literally felt as the only one who’s seeing through it.

Note to self: If I were to start my own company, I have to read a bunch of books about cults.

Anyone else worked at cult-like startups?

  • 3
    This was my first time meeting my new colleagues.
  • 5
    Kill me
  • 20
    It's usually to create a false sense of belonging which can in turn be exploited via unpaid overtime under the guise of solidarity and shit.

    Then, when you are past your useful shelf life, they fire you without batting an eye because that solidarity always goes only one way.
  • 7


    I wanted to switch jobs, so my work can be a mean to an end rather than my life. Fuck, not sure If I made a good decision. 100% increased salary, work environment changed from corporate to cult.

  • 5
    At this point freelancing seems really nice.

    And this comes from someone who really likes stability and routine, has issues with OCD.
  • 2
    @yehaaw eh? I can't see how freelance is more reliable. But I wish you the best of luck!
  • 7

    That’s the point. It isn’t more reliable, but at least I wouldn’t have to go all this cult like or corporate BS.
  • 5
    @yehaaw I see - if you're gonna go unstable, go on fully reckless ๐Ÿ˜œ If it's your intuition's doing, then sure, listen to it.
  • 11
    Oh, typical corporate bullshit. "Give people sense of high purpose to pay them less"
  • 1
    Product manager is like ๐ŸŒˆ ๐ŸŽ† ๐Ÿ’•
    Everyone else is like ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค
    After a while, the cheer leader just gives up
  • 4
    @iiii That's the reason why they like young people: inexperienced, hence gullible.
  • 7
    Sounds like the typical Silicon Valley startup.
  • 0
    > Anyone else worked at cult-like startups?

    Heard about Apple?
  • 0

    You work at Apple?
  • 1
    @cprn Apple is a cult even for the customers.
  • 0

    Let’s not go into that territory, I beg you
  • 2
    1. Love-bombing is a technique some cults use. Look it up

    2. Deprive followers of any meat, or protein in general. Makes them generally easier to mold/compliant

    3. Sleep deprivation.

    4. Purity pledges / vicious cycles of impossible goals

    5. Comraderie and friendship make it harder for people to leave. See squadism for details.

    6. No strings attached "free love" type atmospheres

    7. Convert those who are skeptics or those who claim explicitly that they'd never join a cult. These people, once converted, will be your most ardent followers.

    This is just what I've heard or seen.

    Hey, by the way, would you like to join this awesome new organization? They're amazing. I love you man.
    You're amazing. Join our group. JOIN US.

    One of us.

    One. Of. Us.



  • 1
    @yehaaw Almost did. Fortunately, no.
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