
Then suddenly my boss wants me to handle servers and the environment etc... can anybody suggest me some site tutorials about Docker, Dockerhub, Celery and RabbitMQ?

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    I only know of these ones for docker:
    there are also tutorials there. Otherwise you can find some easily by googleing.
    Don't know about the other things though.
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    @hasu @heyheni thanks guys... do you mind if i ask what languages you use with docker?
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    @debian none?
    Just normal bash commands like "docker pull [xyz]" or "docker ps" to list all the installed containers

    If you want to crate your own docker container you'll need to know little bit of json to create the "reciepee" the docker file. (Docker halp! can i haz some ngix plz and some ruby on railz would b naice thnkz" 😉

    Just read the first two docker turtorials on katacoda.
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    @heyheni ok got it thanks... I'm currently working on building my python app though... the tutorial in katacoda focuses on another language
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    A Docker container is basicly a virtual computer which runs your app. So you can download a preconfiguered python related container (for ex. Django server) from the website https://hub.docker.com . Or you configuere one of your own with the docker file.
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