React or Angular?
Vim or Emacs?
Tabs or Spaces?

I'm fed up with these questions :(
Whatever is suitable for your job or whichever is comfortable for you, go with that...

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    Web Dev or Real Programmer?
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    great tip.
    barrage you lead with questions until he gives up and gives you carte blanche:)))
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    @Demolishun So, you don't consider a web dev, a real programmer?!!
    btw I'm a C++ programmer, who does web and app development often.
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    Stirring the pot. Someone is always offended.
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    @stackphish just to stir the pot even further:

    seems you dont consider webdevs real programmers either:
    "btw I'm a C++ programmer, who does web and app development often."
    you classify yourself as C++ programmer, as opposed to doing webdev which is a skill on top of C++.


    cmon theres no sin in admitting there isnt much in the way of algorythmy in web dev.
    you need a different kind of crazy to actually like that.

    however i will be the first to admit its a bitch and a half to learn what is required to be full stack.

    and to be honest i dont think its beyond median human ability to learn it and it is what i expect of someone who does web development.

    thats why i, personally, do thrash webdevs when i think they deserve it. (thrash talking C-like is amongst the paragraphs:)))
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    @JustThat win/webdings or similar
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    Comic Sans for readability
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    Serious answer: Any monospace font that:

    * You find legible

    * Makes a clear distinction between 1Il (one, uppercase i, lowercase L) and oO0 (lower/upper letter o and zero)

    Hasklig is my favorite font for both editors and CLI. It's a fork of Source Code Pro, but with a few ligatures for some common symbols.

    Coding ligatures make code much easier on the eyes, so I consider them a plus.

    I personally like fonts which are about as wide as they are high, so while FiraCode is beloved by many, I hate it. Not thicc enough. Just like Monoid and Iosevka.

    I think Jetbrains Mono is delightful for it's insane 139 ligatures, and it still looks great at smaller sizes.

    Overall, I like Hasklig better though.
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    @bad-frog Huh, bruh!! I consider myself a C++ programmer because that is what my job description says. I do web dev and app dev because I like them.
    Pot stirred... Stew ready :)
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    @Demolishun I like dat wae
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    @JustThat comic sans of course!
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    @ostream aren't all web frameworks crap and horrible experiences?
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    @JustThat seen fantasque sans? I use that one for my editors
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    @Demolishun if one could add an effect of letters either falling with a green tail in place or appear gradually with a green glow... 🤔 That would be impractical but awesome
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    @JustThat because using those old-school editors implies some sort of elitism, while fonts do not have such implication
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