Yeah so WordPress killed me 😅 I am still learning many things, and I was making a website for someone a year and a half ago. So it was my first full WordPress project, like from the beginning to the end, including theme and plugins. And it killed my love to programming for almost a year. I didn't finish, the job is abandoned, it was a pain in the ass, writing in PHP and especially integrating with WordPress was just too painful for me.
I came back to programming a few months ago, after a year-long break, decided to learn a new language, Go. I again enjoy writing code, but I think I am unable to touch PHP again.

Ah, and it all was parallel with when my psychic problems started. So it was even harder.

  • 1
    You get my upvote for "Yeah so WordPress killed me".

    That's exactlly how I discovered I don't want EVER touch this thing ever again in my life.
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