
Open office plans are a GREAT idea. Nothing says productivity like hearing a pin drop from across the building. Who needs good acoustics anyways? And you bet your ass the moment anything sensitive to background noise is going on you're no longer allowed to communicate at all, because even a potato plugged into an audio jack can hear you whisper from 50 feet away. Good thing we don't do that often - only on days that end in Y, I assume.

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    We have a semi-open office environment. Around 4 foot soft walls in between desks, that's it and it sucks.
    Only people that like it are the ones who have private offices. VPs, high level mgrs, etc.
    That's OK for call agents, accountants, POs (sorry our product office mgrs), but developers...nooo
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    We also have an open office, ok we are a pretty small company so our open office fits 12 people ... still I hate it so I tend to work from home whenever it's possible ^^
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