Windows now has a native package manager! Whooo 🥳

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    @dontbeevil you haven’t lived until you do mate
  • 1
    What dism ? That is crap
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    Microsoft is a little slow to this party, but it's finally getting its ass into gear.

    And then add power toys and enjoy spotlight searching 😏

  • 5
    Reminds me of the time, when Windows got the new and exciting feature of multiple desktops.
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    Too lazy to read, what is the difference with chocolatey?
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    There’s obviously no competition..two completely different development scenarios one of which leads to more user driven development I think..I have been a long time Linux user though so I am biased..
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    It will be a half-baked piece of shit that won't work properly anyway.
    As all Microsoft software.
  • 1
    Yay, now actually make it work properly and I'll be happy :^)

    Seriously, I tried it a little while ago, bricked my system :|

    Managed to get it fixed without re-install tho but that's not the point.
  • 3
    What's next?! Installing software doesn't require a restart?
  • 2
    @dontbeevil That's because Windows isn't even a joke from this century, but from that before.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil What were you expecting? Windows is not a 'fun' piece of software; it breaks often, it's near impossible to fix anything, and even when it is the tools to do so are poorly documented. Disliking Windows is quite popular, just because Microsoft made one thing better doesn't mean that my computer suddenly won't crash every time I start MongoDB.
  • 2
    @dontbeevil MS cut down their QA, fact. That's why they don't test properly anymore and there are the "some updates go wrong for some million users" news. As non-enterprise user, you are the unpaid beta tester for the enterprise versions.

    Also, Windows is spyware in violation of the GDPR.

    That's not mentioning that MS still can't make a fucking file explorer that doesn't crash, in particular with network drives. The right-click of death (10s waiting time...) is still not resolved. The file explorer doesn't even have tabs.

    Oh, and installing application software often requires a reboot. The updates also, and then Windows lies because it doesn't just reboot, it also copies a shitton of crap. And it resets your settings, in particular the privacy related ones.

    Maybe your demands are so low that you are content with that joke of an OS, but not everyone needs just a game starter.
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    @dontbeevil my only qualm is licensing. I hate the fact that the license is attached to the computer not the person..I don’t quite feel that should be allowed.
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    @dontbeevil Of course it's true. Everything of it. I'm referring specifically to Windows 10.
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    scoop gang anyone?
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    @dontbeevil "with my account"... that's the next ridiculous thing. You know how I ported the installation from my desktop to my laptop? Clonezilla, save disk image, Clonezilla, restore disk image. No account crap.
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    @dontbeevil oh. Are you the very few people using Windows 105 or something ? It must be fun not to restart everytime you install a 10KB worth of software.
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    @dontbeevil well not really..it’s licensed to the machine..they let you move..it’s not the same..Christ is in the details they say
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    @dontbeevil 1.5 weeks ago.. when i tried to update the nvidia driver or something. Okay i can even forgive that since it is a driver. I had to restart my pc after installing some software a game deemed necessary. I forgot what it was though. So sorry..
  • 0
    @dontbeevil The week before last week. That's because Windows is so retarded that it still cannot change or delete DLLs on disk while they are in use. That's also the reason behind the copy orgy upon Windows updates.

    And the week before that, MS Word fucked up the PDF export. Knowing what a piece of shit Windows 10 is, I figured it was because my remote PC in the company had had an uptime of more than two weeks, which is apparently more than Windows can handle if you actually use it, so I rebooted the machine - and then Word's PDF export worked again.

    The file explorer's difficulties including becoming unresponsive with disconnecting network drives (because the VPN drops out) is also real. You can't even close the file explorer, and Windows restarts the desktop (not the applications, at least).

    Random shit like that is normal under Windows.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil I don't use Apple's overpriced and lousy shit, and yes, Android sucks also with Google behind it. But that's no reason to make Windows suck, too, especially because it wasn't that bad with Windows 7.
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    @dontbeevil it wasnt some 2000s shit i am talking about. The game was Arkham Asylum or Witcher.. dont know which triggered it.. both of them arent ancient.

    I admire MS's dedication to make everything backward compatible. But at what cost !? Everytime windows shoves an update on me, i have to forgo one hour of my time.. waiting for the update to complete and the 100% disk usage to blow over.. dont blame the HDD for this..
  • 0
    @ostream In particular the funny habit of Windows to ignore the update settings, including group policies - but never reliably on all machines, rather randomly on some. Just to make using Windows more "exciting".

    You never know what happens when you switch on the PC, whether you will actually be able to use it right away, such as with a presentation. I booked meeting rooms (before 'rona, obviously) at least 15 minutes before the meeting started just to switch on the PC in case that nobody else had been using it before me on that day.
  • 0
    Speaking of updates - the application updates also suck under Windows. Update the browser? Yeah please close your browser. Actually, please close all running applications, just to be sure.

    Why the fuck would I have to close an application just to update the files on disk? Because Windows is misdesigned and cannot do that, that's why.

    Oh, and shutting down the PC after work. Yeah that's a great idea. It also would make sure that the next morning, I wouldn't be able to VPN into it again. But a reboot once per week just to deal with Windows' fragility is still required.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil Updates and installers ALWAYS say to close ALL applications, just to be sure. I take it you don't read what dialogues say before you click them away?

    And what don't you understand about the VPN? I fire up my local laptop here, connect to VPN, and then I remote-desktop into the company PC that is in the company where I do the actual work. If that remote PC is switched off at that point, I cannot remote-desktop into it, obviously!

    I can tell you where my hatred for Windows 10 comes from: from working with it, it's that simple. It's one thing to do that for money, basically because I'm also paid when I cannot be productive, but there's no way that I'd deal with this piece of shit in my free time.

    If you had followed the news instead of living in denial, Windows 10 had gotten bad reviews from the start in 2016, and it hasn't become better because MS won't invest. That you don't even know about their QA cut tells a lot.
  • 3
    @dontbeevil Yeah, you don't - you also don't take issue with the spyware, including the lack of GDPR compliance.

    I'm so pissed off by Windows 10 that I stopped doing any sort of Windows support in my family. Most took the offer of switching to Linux (no hardcore gamers ofc). The rest seeks support elsewhere so that I can lean back with "not my problem."

    Note that I wasn't pissed off with Windows 7 which had also the typical Windows weaknesses, but was really good for a Windows.
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    is only a päkij mänager, why you heff to be mad?
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    @dontbeevil what
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    Anyway..anyone catch the game last night? Copa America is about to start and that’s always exciting..
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    @ostream to be fair.. calling someone a grammar nazi doesnt mean they committed genocide coz of grammar. It is common usage.
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    @ostream i can now see why some people want to see terms like blackbox, master - slave etc. gone out of mature as fuck software.
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    @ostream I am sorry about it then.. But not everyone is going to know your painful history. You can try and mention it once before raging about it.
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    @NeatNerdPrime it's slightly less broken.

    Seriously what the heck is with their install page anyway? Looks like blue screen Auto barf logs.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil I got asked to reboot company Windows already twice this week.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil WSUS updated whatever it did. Since Windows is a lying piece of shit, "reboot" doesn't really mean "reboot". Instead it means "reboot and go out for a coffee until Windows is done working around its defective file system design".
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    @Fast-Nop what is needed is a large investment fund in game development for linux.

    And maybe some companies dedicated to gfx driver development. Or shit just a patreon account that takes requests.

    Driver support and games are the two things that promote adoption.

    The other thing is many people won't even bother switching if they have to download 1-4 GB (linux) just to play a game.

    What could *really* drive adoption is if there were a campaign to get linux installed OEM on instore PCs or on some HDs. If people have the option right out the gate, or don't have to do a long download/complicated setup they would be FAR more likely to adopt linux. This is just my five cent market analysis.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil You are right.. We probably have no other things to talk except invent a thing out of nowhere just to bash it, when everyone else knows Linux, the horrible piece of shit, is not even worth running inside a toaster.

    I like to bash the perfect software windows because i am jealous of the impeccable-ness and I dont seem to have a problem with linux, just because they arent making money anyway. So screw them.

    Nothing of my hate has got to do with experiences.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack You can buy Linux pre-installed. I guess what needs to be done is governments pushing for that to get rid of Microsoft's spyware, which would also improve general Linux awareness. China is leading the way here while the West prefers to drown in stupid ransomware attacks on critical infrastructure.

    "Normal people" don't even know that desktop Linux exists. It's not a choice if you don't know that you could choose, after all.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack you absolutely hit the nail in the head there. Gaming and preemptively charging people money for software I didnt need. Gaming is the biggest pain point personally. I used to be content with the collection of linux games that was supported by Steam, but then when i had the option of windows, a huge collection opened up and i didnt know i wanted to play all of them.

    I would have never bothered with windows though, if the makers didnt charge 1/5th the price of the hardware on this piece of shit. If i have to remove windows now, i have to prepare myself to put that part into the drain willingly. That hurts. Having to dualboot linux seperately is = risking that money. You never know when windows decides to not to behave decently with grub and brick itself.

    Also.. Office seems to be another very big pain point, but i can see google suite growing enough.

    And there are people who are stuck with adobe tools. I dont see anything changing for atleast the next 10 years..
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    @dontbeevil Because I didn't install SW this week. Three weeks ago it was some driver stuff because apparently, Windows has no equivalent of DKMS.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil OK. After decades, Windows managed to have SOME apps that don't require a reboot after installation. Fine. That's a big leap for Windows, and I understand you're super exited.

    OTOH, major Windows updates now aren't updates anymore, but actually a full-blown Windows re-install. Due to Windows' defective filesystem, not only a reboot is required, but also a lengthy copy orgy.

    Just today's email from company IT: the Windows update that they are rolling out may render the machine unusable for anything from half an hour to an one and a half hours - they have even seen two hours. On other machines, it's "just" the coffee break. It's unpredictable when you start working at scale with this piece of shit.
  • 2
    @dontbeevil Yeah, the 90s. It seems you failed to understand that I'm not referring to experiences with Win 95 (which I did actually have), but with Win 10.

    I know what a piece of shit Windows is because I work with Windows daily (except on weekends and holidays), and I can compare it because I'm on Linux at home. The only point I'd give Windows is that it's a better game starter OS.
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    @purist I've used open Office of both varieties, and I haven't been disappointed, but your use cases are probably more complex. For example, did you know there are people who build entire internal applications based on microsoft access?

    At any rate Adobe is a really hard suite of software to replace mainly because of the founder effect.

    Another one eating up the market is Autodesk. But they're following the Microsoft strategy of aggressive acquisitions, and eventually far enough down the line I could see an acquisition between them and Adobe oh, or some sort of merger. Simply because there's so much overlap between who their potential customers are, and the complementary nature of their tools and business models.
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    Libre office has not been stable enough for me. For larger documents I still rely on google docs. For important stuff Latex..
  • 1
    @Wisecrack I am not saying Open office sucks. It severely lacks certain features and its UI design is still years behind MS Office. And generally usability is not there yet. Apart from that, Libre is great i use it daily for spreadsheets. Just that no one would use it in a professional sense.
  • 2
    @purist there is a thing called OnlyOffice. Basically a free knockoff of MS office. UI is the same

  • 0
    @thebiochemic Wait.. whats the catch here ? Why i havent even heard of this before ? It looks pretty decent to me. I should try using this and see..
  • 1
    @purist i think it's relatively new. But it did replace all the alternatives for me. On my system i have OnlyOffice only :D

    I think it costs money, if you want to use it as a company. Though it's free for private use. And it's open source
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