
When I started using the console...

  • 7
    Accurate :D
  • 50
    When there's an issue and I spend 4 hours copying "solutions" from stackoverflow
  • 11
    Is this a coincidence that this comic illustrates the typical "hacker" you find nowadays with MacBook in a coffee shop wearing hip clothes doing 'brew update' in a green on black console?
  • 9
    Shutting down using terminal 😂👍
  • 2
    If u r using command line it may be a bit like hacking (for non techies)

    mkdir shit or touch shit for a file named shit haha
  • 2
    using mkdir and wget like the real boss
  • 1
    @varundey I would say it's ironic.
  • 1
    You mv like they do...
  • 1
    $ sudo apt-get install cmatrix
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