
The moment when you can look back at all the comments you wrote to yourself well over a year ago that go along the lines of:

"Don't delete this!"

"I know this looks weird, but trust me!"

"You coded this drunk, you couldn't remember how, and you wrote this comment to remind you that you couldn't understand it sober."

Can all be brushed away, along with the kinda hairy code when you realise that in your attempt to ensure you didn't break code that worked and wasted time trying to understand that you didn't have the experience to solve it, you now have the experience to solve it.

I guess I had such huberis that I assumed I'd never understand a certain problem...

  • 3
    I look back at some of my code... It lacks comments entirely. 😱 And when I read it to see what I did there, I ask myself... WHY 20+ lines to do what i can in like only 2 or so. And all the repeated code that could be immensely simplified and put into neat little functions.
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