Laravel is the only reason why working in PHP is interesting
PHP is the only reason why it Sucks

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    I agree. Mostly with the second part.
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    MVCs are bloaty. Laravel is no exception.

    PHP is a bad language with a bad dev community.

    I'm not sure why people use laraval other than lack of skills in JavaScript.
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    @lungdart wait.. did someone just bash PHP and use javafuckingshitscript as an example of a useful alternative ?

    I mean sure its not PHP but that is pretty much the only redeeming quality javascript has.
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    @ItsNotMyFault I'm with you man, I hate js. But the best web stacks require it, and it can also be used on the backend.

    Node.js invented full stack developers. I'm sure they're working on sql.js as we speak
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    I can be an elitist fuck that cries about how all languages are neither Clojure or Scala.

    Or I can put the neckbeardedness of the situation away and continue to profit out of both PHP and Javascript.

    I made up my mind a long time ago.
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    If you love Laravel and hate PHP, try Ruby on Rails.

    Most modern ORMs took great inspiration from Rails.

    The jobs for RoR aren't as present as they used to be, but if you get good at it you can easily earn six figures pretty quickly.
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    I don't know why people just don't write in raw web assembly like a real web developer!
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