

Hey guys! We have started working on the cross platform desktop app for devRant for a while.

Here's the Collab link: https://devrant.io/collabs/420025/
Here's the GitHub link: https://github.com/tahnik/devRantFX

Here's more information about what we are using for developing the project:
1. Java 8
2. JavaFX
3. IntelliJ IDEA
4. Gradle
5. JUnit
6. Travis CI
7. JavaRant API (created by LucaScorpion)
8. Slack

Right now we have 4 collaborators: allanx2000, sirwindfield, LucaScorpion and me.
If you are interested in the project, you can always let me know and I will do something about it.

  • 2
    Why not electron?
  • 0
    @nocgod There's already a web wrapper with electron. Also, we wanted to have threaded operations in multiple places and have access to some OS level features. Thus Java.
  • 1
    @tahnik I'm browsing the code on Github now. I'm interested in contributing to this. I made a command line app the other night with this API. It's just enough to distract me in the terminal if Android Studio.
  • 1
    @ryanmhoffman sure, Please give me your email so that I can add you in slack.
  • 0
    @tahnik it's hoffmanryan1@gmail.com
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