ML, Big Data and AI are the most misused words of this and the previous century.

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    block chain, quantum, immersive
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    @Demolishun immersive lol 😂
    Yeah cutting edge.

    So today, one of the business guys just gave out a report to our marketing girl how we utilise big data. She approaches me, asking if I could help her put a few words in an article for us. And I respond, but we don't do big data, we don't have any big data.
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    I'm convinced that most "AI" is just a javascript one liner to select from an array randomly...
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    @N00bPancakes to me, ML/AI is nothing but a complex bunch of if else statements wrapped in marketing garbage
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    Well... sure.
    If that crap was deterministic. But it isn't. So - bunch of if/else crap coupled with a few random dice rolls.
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    Toxic, toxic is the most misused word ever.

    And that shit is toxic.
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    I mean, there are neural networks and stuff like natural language processing, optimization, and many other cool stuff that fall under the same umbrella terms (lifelong learning, self-growing networks, text comprehension, explainable ai etc etc as well) but yes I generally agree. Companies recruiting don't seem to know jackshit about any of these and mistake an ML dev for a database to chart converter.

    Which is where general idea of a ML dev or applicable ai dev comes from.
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