
Just wanted to say that I miss you buddy

  • 4
    @thmnmlst It just popped up whenever there was a grammatical or spelling mistake made and sometimes it was just there staring deep down your soul. I loved this guy.
  • 1
    @thmnmlst It was a help assistant
  • 1
    @thmnmlst it was a feature aka bug in. Msoffice until 1998 which helped you out... It was actually quite nice, until it explained every basic for the 3rd time... Like :"it looks 0ike you want to change font. Do you need help?? " it was really annoying as it wasnt disableable in default config menu
  • 3
    "It looks like you're writing a ransom note, can I help?"

    How many extra lines of code needed to be written and maintained to build this little bastard?

    Not one user liked him when exposed to him more than 20sec, that shows that you can't always trust first impressions in user testing.
  • 3
    It looks like you're writing a rant. Let me help with that!

  • 0
    @dilshah So you used to code in MS Word ;)
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