
too much caffeine will not kill you

  • 4
    Take care my friend, too much caffeine can cause hypertension, and hypertension kills!!
  • 2
    Actually caffeine can cause overdose but you need to drink about 10k cups of coffee in one go
  • 3
    Challenge accepted.
  • 1
    And what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
  • 4
    Might not kill you itself but that heart attack you get from the 40th cup might 😆
  • 1
  • 2
    But it will turn your teeth yellow!! So be careful of that
    Much more scary than death 😛
  • 0
    Well... If you drink too much coffe you sperms turn uneatable... Just to say... XD😂😂😂😂😂
  • 1
    Too much code will
  • 1
    no, but it'll cause panic attacks
  • 0
    We have an awesome coffee machine at work, uses some premium coffee beans, grinds it fresh for each cup and allows us to choose different types of coffee like cappuccino latte espresso cortado
    Machiato etc

    It does the milk frothing thing too!

    My fave : double latte with two shots of espresso ... oh and anyone waiting behind me can help themselves to the pile of free biscuits while they wait for me to concoct my drink 😝
  • 2
    @linuxer4fun Not sure if I want to know how you figured out that fact...
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