So this bunch of idiots made this huge iOS app using lots of global variables, lots of spaghetti code and basically no separation between logic and UI.
Another bunch of idiots were told to take that iOS app and basically port it to Android. And they ported that same code mess, almost line by line, and adding some weird shit.
Now the HQ of the first bunch of idiots realize that the second bunch of idiots were too slow/inefficient/whatever, and they're now asking US to solve that Android mess and add another shitload of features.
The worst part of it, is that both bunches of idiots are still working on it, so we're basically forced to follow the same shitty style until the first deadline, otherwise we'd die suffocated by stinky merge conflicts. Which will happen anyway because our changes are going to overlap.
Oh, and the PM refuses to understand the disaster coming and there's six hours of time zone difference.

Fuck this shit.

  • 3
    Man you in big mess... Best of luck... Figure out a way to point fingures at others.
  • 4
    @itch96 Thank you. Luckily everyone on my team agree with me, so we'll stand together.
  • 1
    Why not waiting till the first deadline and then ditch the spaghetti team?
  • 2
    @kjone that's the plan indeed. But we'll scream and rage before then.
  • 0
    @redundandundant can you suggest what kind of architecture should be used while developing for android. Any ways to maintain abstraction between views and data 😅
  • 1
    @GurpreetSK95 have a look at Model-View-Presenter, or Clean Architecture.
  • 3
    Same boat here but the team of idiots was guy hired by a company that was hired by my company to build their app, which the Android app has snippets of code just commented out no reasons why just // oh and things like parts of a taxi app and package imports for a funeral app, fuck that guy who made the Android app.

    Dumbass company hiring dumbass people that have no fucking clue what a design pattern is, and hire people by letting them do some coding test on their website, I gotta say it must be one easy test
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