
What do you think about the new UI of Stack Overflow?
I personally was expecting something better...

  • 0
    It looks like windows 10
  • 3
    @thmnmlst okay, lemme count a few things: white on blue typography, everything squared (because round borders are not PC), blue font when you have white BG, ...hmm yeah i'm done, because these GUIs nowadays are so flat there is nothing really to describe.
  • 0
    @darksideplease it looks like the windows 10 site not the actual os
  • 0
    I'd like to say it's hard to come up with something.. original
  • 2
    @thmnmlst oh. It looks like i triggered you. Please forgive me.
  • 2
    @thmnmlst yip. One cannot activate the dark theme in the mobile app without logging in (this is dark theme harassment 😤)
  • 5
    I don't care about new UI. I just look around to find a answer for my fucking bugs.
  • 3
    To be honest, it hardly changed at all. Things moved, but eh, it's still the same
  • 2
    I hate the current web design trends, spacing everything out and prioritising beauty over user experience
  • 0
    Sooo, what has changed!? I think we should stop having "projects" that only includes css...
  • 1
    SO has never looked good, glad to see them keep up that trend...
  • 0
    @Jop- dude, no fucking necromancy. It's been dead for months
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