So this is an update of the afore mentioned IT related RPG I am making. I have settled on the title "Lords of Bullshit: a tale of corporate incompetence".

I need some ideas guys. I have Java, C, Python, PHP, bash and git as skill types, but I need spells for each.

For example in C I have malloc and dealloc as spells (revive and death spells).

I am having trouble with Java spells. I am trying to come up with things that focus on OOP or reflection and meta programming, but I am having trouble.

Any ideas? Also, anyone want to help with some sprites? All of the sprites the character generator can make are medieval looking.

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    Garbage collector
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    @deadlyRants oooo! I could have a spell that sends the enemy out of scope and then I cast garbage collector. Any enemy with the out of scope status dies.

    And these spells would only work if the enemy has the Java elemental type.
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    @deadlyRants @Artemix I will! Absolutely. Would you guys like to help? There is no deadline and this is completely for fun.
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    @Artemix I just want ideas :)

    You will get credit for your ideas.
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    for python you could use import to summon things and weapons. for example:
    > import flask
    You summoned a flask.
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    Hey! I love the ideea. If you are still interesed in some sprites let me know.
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    How about a `foreach` loop in php that exceeds the memory limit?
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    I'm thinking a polymorphism spell that turns enemies into sheep like Warcraft.
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    I think i might have some time to help out with sprites if you need any. Just tell me if you do :)
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    How about an infinite loop spell that freezes enemies and makes them unable to attack back?

    Or some self modifying code spell that acts like poison or curse where the enemy loses HP over time or hurts his fellows?
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    infinite ideas!

    how about

    git clone 'Foo Bar'
    "Foo Bar has arrived!"
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    Php gets unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM
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    or the throwing of errors in the different languages(raise, throw,...)
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    PHP or die()
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    It's is clear I need to create a wiki.

    I also need weapon ideas. Right now I have laptops, books, cell phones, coffee mugs, and office supplies.

    Each imparts abilities. All programming magic requires a laptop be equipped, new languages (skill trees) can only be learned while a book is equipped, cell phones allow you to call help desk (recover HP and status effects) and run low level scripts, coffee mugs give you the ability to create coffee, and office supplies have special abilities.

    I also have a manager class that randomly leaves battles early with a random excuse.
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    @Artemix I will stand one up when I get home tonight.
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    For gear you could add like a HTC Vive or something, that reveals enemy stats maybe?
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    @deusprogrammer more weapons/items:
    Computer chair,
    White board
    Dry erase markers & eraser
    Empty mnt dew bottles
    TPS Report
    Red swing line stapler
    Random swag ( from some event)
    Fax machine
    Outdated tech manual
    Office party snacks
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