
Our story start like this.

Boss: Hey programmer A, Can you implement {feature X} on this application?

Programmer A: I suggest not implement {feature X} because {negative impact of feature X}

Boss: Ok

Boss asks Programmer B.

Boss: Hey programmer B, Can you implement {feature X} on this application?

Programmer B: Of course, no problem

Programmer B asks Programmer A.

Programmer B: Hey Programmer A, Do you know how to implement {feature X} on this application? I have no idea.

Programmer A: WHAT!!! do you know that {feature X}, Will negatively impact our application?

Programmer B: Well that's our boss want, I can't say no.

Programmer A: (F**k I hate this guy)

  • 12
    Just say that you know but you won't help due to reasons xyz and that programmer b is on their own.
  • 2
    Why didn't both programmers fuck their boss
  • 5
    @LiquidOfLife When you employ multiple experts, the best way to eliminate their personal biases is to ask all of them about a possible modification. The mistake here is that the boss stopped at an answer he liked, which didn't eliminate the bias of wanting to please him.
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