Eurodevs, who of you is watching Eurovision tonight?

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    About the only time I liked it was when Finland put up Lordi, and whether it was up to taste or not, metalheads of all countries united and voted for them.

    Because, as Manowar put it, metal is real!
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    Not me
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    I think that money could have been spent better somewhere else...
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    @Fast-Nop Or as Måneskin put it - Rock and roll never dies
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    Me and Switzerland on 3. place was unexpected.
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    My country doesn't even participate anymore. I am honestly not surprised with all the trash music produced here...
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    No Chance in hell.
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    Eurovision is a pretentious political circus not worth any attention.
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    Well, me and my beloved enjoyed it a lot. Especially Ukraine was awesome. Also liked Italy and Switzerland but we did not expect Malta score that high.
    Cyprus won our 'most sexy' act prize.
    Would really loved a menage-a-trois with me as el diablo
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    I was suprised that england got 0 points
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    @stop Haha that guy couldn't sing if his life depended on it, and they're in the finals just because they give the most money.
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    @ScriptCoded im currently watching the videos and my ears just bled, because of the british singer.
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    I am Europian, I have never seen one. Not planning to change that.
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    @Frederick fair as well. As with mist of such exhibitions (music, movies, art), it's not the quality that counts.
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    All sounds bollocks to me. Feels like the culmination of the worst songs every country could think of, plus a few others that didn't get the memo and submitted something okish.
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    @NeatNerdPrime Ukraine was my absolute favourite!
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    @stop Yeah, Britain getting 0 was pretty surprising... I'd have expected the German contribution to get that, because it really was terrible. The song that the Brits contributed last year would have scored way better, I guess. My wife loved it.
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