
So...my first experience with Scrum. How many fucking energy and productivity draining meetings can you squeeze in to two weeks?!!!! Agile? Hahaha. Don't get me started! Leave me alone and let me get some work done!

  • 6
    That just means it is very poorly executed.
  • 3
    I am having 2 hours of morning meetings each day discussing what each person will doing for that day one by one
  • 3
    @falmesino well thatbis just wrong, it should be about issues, road blockers, etc. And set priorities, that is it. Should not take more than 15 minutes.
  • 1
    Yeah we tried full scrum once. It was aweful. We learned some things but most of it was time waste.

    We kept the standups with a 15min timer each morning, usually rush through it, and all is on their jolly way unless we have something to discuss with a fellow dev or whatever afterward.
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