
I hate these LINUX AND NOTHING ELSE fascists. Why don't you just let people use what they want? And btw: just using Linux doesn't make you a good programmer...

  • 2
    I agree but even though atm I'm using Windows but want to start with Linux
  • 4
    I only use Linux but I don't force it upon people really. I see this in all fields though too badly :/
  • 2
    Yeah, and I thought this is what Linux is about... having a free and open mind... But in every second rant I see non-Linux-OS bashing @linuxxx
  • 7
    Tbh, I do bash other systems (no pun intended) systems sometimes like that time I had to backup a windows server and it took me two fucking days because of windows stuff going wrong. I agree with bashing as long as it's an actual ant thingy and not like 'fuck windows and yay Linux because idk just fuck windows'. @lexxer
  • 4
    I'm a Linux fanboy and it's all I use but even I agree with the contents of OP here. Running a Linux distro != User is good programmer. A good programmer is a good programmer on any OS.

    It's not as easy or practical for a dev to use Linux if the project is required to be written and compiled for Windows users entirely or primarily.
  • 4
    @corscheid Yeah, I always have a Windows device with me, regardless of anything.

    The Bash for Windows is an awesome thing with a lot of potential. Now I don't need another VM.
  • 0
    Actually I don't think so
  • 3
    Mac OS X user here but probably gonna switch to Arch Linux soon... I perfectly agree with what is said here, even though I do bash other OSes (all of them mind you) if I find a real flaw with them, for an example the fact that I find it harder and harder to fix issues by myself on Mac OS and Windows is occasionally a real nightmare... Even Linux distros aren't perfect but I really hate when people just favour Linux with no grounds. Makes them look ignorant 😁
  • 1
    @PenguinRage yeah I'm on Windows right now and the only reason I'd think of fully switching to Linux is because I hate switching mental contexts when the time comes to manage the VPS 😄 That and the richer command line tools (awesome = wget) and package manager.
  • 0
    Each platform has its uses. Windows for gaming and general desktop productivity, Mac OSX for development, and Linux for servers and virtual machines. At least that's what I do.
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    @deusprogrammer my experience with Mac OS X development was... How to say... Interesting
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    @chilledfrogs I just prefer having a Unix like operating system when coding. Not to mention being able to do iOS dev work too.

    Otherwise there are some silly reasons too. Like brew for package management and their terminal (where I can actually use CMD+V to paste into it).

    Despite all of that though, I don't judge what OS you use to develop in. I just like what I like.
  • 0
    @deusprogrammer I perfectly understand you, just so far exactly for development I prefer Linux as a UNIX-like system over Mac OS due to transparency etc. :). No personal interest in iOS development so yeah doesn't apply for me... But I love Homebrew and having another modifier (God the nightmares I had on Linux with copying text from a terminal while a program was running...) 😁
  • 0
    Personally i couldn't give a good damn shit what a dev uses as long as they can do their job with it, if you can good, if you can't install something else. I use linux cause it fits the best for my workflow and i have full control so if i screw up i have nobody to blame but myself. can't blame windows updates if i miss a deadline or whatever.

    Edit: but i do bash other oses but its all in good fun to me
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    Cannot force any user to use Linux but it makes easier to use any developer tool than in Windows. Well, linux or any other Unix-like OS....
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    @JAnken123 I'm so used to using either Command-C or Ctrl-C to copy depending on the OS... So for Mac on a terminal as with almost everything else Command is the normal modifier (except for terminal-specific commands like quit, aka Ctrl-C), then when I use a Linux distro and I wanna copy some text from a terminal while a program is running... I hit Ctrl-C by reflex...........
  • 0
    @chilledfrogs Change the hotkey for pasting >.>

    btw OP I couldn't agree more....++^100 for that post :)
  • 0
    @ @SHA-256 Really? Not worth it, plus then I'll screw up on any other machine by doing my shortcut instead of the universally accepted standard...
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