
Is it normal that you share code on github for a commercial app you have made? Or someone might steal it right? I want to use it as a show off in my Cv

New to github here

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    This isn't a question about github, this is a question of IP rights.

    Unless you have the express permission of the business owner, it's almost certainly a breach of copyright. If there is any doubt, look at the contract you had with the person you were working for: it should tell you in there somewhere who owns the source code you wrote.

    I would bet money that you're not the legal owner of what you produced, and therefore would be *very* liable if you published any of it online in almost any form, short of redacting anything that might be actual business logic.

    I have never shared professional code on github, if you want to prove you can do something to an employer with code samples then you should write the code from scratch and have your own open source project using it.
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    @Zaphod65 potentially he meant that it was his commercial app (I.e. Here commercial just means monetized not made for a company)
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    @Zaphod65 this is not the case...its my own application... my idea..my code...i was not paid to do it..
    I am going to publish it on play store as a free app but contains ads..
    I am going to put the code on github as one of my projects... is that ok? Because the repo is public anyone can take the code and build upon it another app... right?
    How can i put it on github and still protect the code? Is there a way to do that?
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    Why do you want it on Github when you want the code protected?
    It's possible to add private projects but on Github that's not free. There are free alternatives though
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    @Dollique i just want to put a link to the repo on my cv
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    This is not yet implemented, see here:,
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    @Dollique i understood nothing from the link loool 😂
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    @AngryDev you are right its my app
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    In which case I'd say if you're really worried about it being stolen, keep the code in a private repo and if you have to send it to someone then bundle it in to an archive and attach it with your CV.

    Realistically though, if anyone sees your app on whichever app store it's on and wants to steal it, the code isn't the hard part, they'll be stealing your idea, and they'll have second mover's advantage anyway so it won't much matter about your specific implementation.
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    @Zaphod65 i understand ... thanks for your help ☺
    But what do u mean by second movers chance?
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    @codeBoy From Wikipedia,

    Second-mover advantage occurs when a firm following the lead of the first-mover is actually able to capture greater market share, despite having entered late.

    First-mover firms often face high research and development costs, and the marketing costs necessary to educate the public about a new type of product. A second-mover firm can learn from the experiences of the first mover firm, and may not face such high research and development costs, if it is able create its own version of a product using existing technology. A second-mover firm also does not face the marketing task of having to educate the public about the new project because the first-mover has already done so. As a result, the second-mover can use its resources to focus on making a superior product or out-marketing the first-mover.
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    @AngryDev wow... that's pretty helpful ... thx my friend ☺
    But why you are angry anyway ? Lol sorry couldn't stop myself from asking 😂
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    @codeBoy Also if you want code to be public, but not steal-able (at least not legally so) you can put it online with a license that restricts use to say educational purposes (get a license written by a lawyer don't write it yourself - you can find a lot of them online). Then if anyone uses your code they will be violating your license and therefore you can sue them

    EDIT: I know this isn't foolproof but it is a method
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    @codeBoy I am very angry at my code for not working. This is a statement that is always true because my code is never working for longer than 1 second 😂
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    @AngryDev ok i understand
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    @AngryDev lool... happy debugging 😃
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    @codeBoy Thanks man!
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