Today I moved from Windows to Ubuntu 16.04. THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING OS IN THE WORLD. I feel I can do anything here.

Linux is freedom.

  • 19
    And you choose ubuntu..
  • 5
    Before Ubuntu I tried Arch, but it didn't suit my needs so I installed Ubuntu and it's really cool.
  • 10
    @Linux at least he turned away from the darkness, any step is a good step.
  • 3
    There is more then Arch and Ubuntu
  • 16
    Ubuntu is Windows of Linux
  • 4
    Ubuntu is the best... I had far less errors on ubuntu (with MY hardware) than others...
  • 9
    Linux is communism.
  • 12
    No can use what they want anymore can they? Like holy fucking shit, and people think liberals are snowflakes. Anyone mentions the word WINDOWS here and the Linux nazi's slit your throat...
  • 18
    Damn :/ all the criticism. The guy made a switch he is happy about. Be happy for him...
  • 5
    @ScribeOfGoD I thought that too, ha. Windows users are much nicer to each other.
  • 2
    Good for you! I've been using Ubuntu again for a few months now and it has satisfied my every need, so far!
  • 1
    How dare you insult RMS!!!!!!
  • 2
    So, i'm really interested what exactly is it that makes you say "you can do anything" on linux? What stuff can't you do on windows? Not trying to argue - i'm just curious.
  • 2
    Notice the OP mentioned the "feeling" of being able to do anything. It wasn't said in a matter-of-fact kind of way. Windows and Linux each satisfy innumerable use cases.
  • 2
    Ubuntu is great. Unity sucks.
  • 2
    Ubuntu is the least stable distro I've used. On multiple PCs.
  • 2
    I did same shit couple months ago for my work. Ubuntu is awesome.
  • 3
    Give it 2 months, a couple of crashes, and 3 forum answer where the problem's fix is "just build it from source..." xd
  • 2
    I said this once... Then I wanted to use my fingerprint scanner to log on...
  • 4
    "I use Windows."

    "Oh cool me too."

    "Excellent. Let's get on with our lives and not worry about incompatible drivers or switching distros every two weeks because we got bored of the last one."

    "Sounds good to me. Crumpet?"

    "Duh, yes please! I love crumpets!"

    "Mmm me too, I love it when the butter melts into the honeycomb like structure in the inside of the crumpet."
  • 2
    You think Ubuntu is freedom? Try arch.
  • 6
    Hahaha, this thread is the gift that keeps on giving.

    How dare you use THAT flavour of Linux... THIS ONE is much better!

    You literally cannot win. I'm feeling sorry for the OP at this point. Come back to Windows, we don't care what version you're running.
  • 1
    Its funny how passionate people are about their OS. Im all alone over here just loving Raspbian, running Windows ans Ubuntu on my laptop in harmony. I have even had the displeasure of trying OSX.
  • 0
    What is that small thing in his hands..ultra mini "laptop "?
  • 0
    @jakobev It's a netbook.
  • 0
    @Jop- Not sure what you're trying to say... I didn't reinstall because of bad drivers.
  • 0
    @Jop- I had to reinstall after many months of use. I've got a MacBook Pro from 2011 at home with Windows 7 on that I've never reinstalled.
  • 1
    How is the hardware/software on this subnotebook?
  • 0
    @Jop- Yeah, it's probably more like every 2 days.
  • 0
    @jakobev It's an old laptop, there was Windows installed there, but it sucks so I changed it to Ubuntu :^)
  • 1
    @adampisula I have the same problem here with an very old laptop but finally got it run on Ubuntu
    Linux rules!!!!
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