
The senior developer swore the server was responding with a 500 because I, the co-op, was definitely sending the 'wrong encoding' whenever I post special characters. He said, "I'm only taking your data and putting it straight into the database!!!"

I found out it was breaking because he was converting the JSON payload to a STRING and simplistically separating the keys and values by colons and double quotes. Yuuup. Nothing can go wrong there...

  • 2
    Not related with the rant... What's exactly a co-op? I see job postings but reading what they ask I don't get the difference with an intern or a junior. I tried Googling but I get too much noise.
  • 0
    @Eariel I came here to ask the same thing
  • 4
    @Eariel @ChappIO in Canada at least, co-ops are explicitly for students, usually for the duration of a semester/summer. They may be a school degree requirement.

    Internships may also be so, but may also extend to graduates. Depends on the company of course.

    Hope that helps.
  • 1
    @hyunheo, thanks! I get it now.
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