
If you have any teaching exprience in programming tell your most awkward moment (mine in comment)

  • 1
    I remember time i taught android to a girl who have studied computer eng in university.
    after 4 session i told her : "ok instantiate an object"
    And she said "what does it mean ?" after five sec silence
    I told her: " put fuckkin new before class name !!!"
  • 1
    @Error yes ....again and again and again 😏
  • 3
    I once taught C++ in a friend's place to a group of university students who listened through everything and had no confusion when I asked them if they understood everything. Fast forward 2 weeks later when I ask them to code a simple program that iterates over an array, they all vanished and a month later asked us for certification for 'completing' the course. Y'all dumbasses ain't gettin' shit.
  • 4
    When I was in my second year in college I worked as a teacher assistant in Computer practices at a school with kids from 6 to 14 years old. I set up a few cool projects using whatever they had installed on their machines and even taught some Bash scripting to the interested kids. Years later, when I was already 33 or so, I went back to work as a developer after a long hiatus... One of the kids I taught was my interviewer. It was a bit awkward because of course I didn't even recognize him but he remembered me as a great influence on his life. I was considered overqualified for the job, but we had a nice chat 😊
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