This is huge progress in almost 0 time!!

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    @kingRant This screenshot is taken from macOS Big Sur running on a hackintosh (non-Apple hardware that has macOS installed on it), but this app can work on iOS too without any additional code, because of Mac Catalyst. If you want to know more about this project, let me know.
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    @kingRant Okay.

    I am rewriting devRant as a native app for iOS and macOS built in Swift. I finished a pretty large chunk of the app already, and now I am slowly building the avatar editor. What you are seeing is a proof of concept that shows that I can get live data from devRant’s servers (all reverse-engineered by me) and feed it into this view. This is extremely early stage testing and the general layout is basically done. Now I just need to make sure it is spam-safe and also I need to implement changes in choices as well as locking stuff you can’t use yet.

    If you want to see more screenshots of the rewrite, take a look at my other rants, you will see plenty of pictures. I have been working on this project for 6 months already and I’ve gone through a UI framework change as well.

    I hope I gave you enough context!
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    @kingRant thank you!
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    very neat..

    off topic:
    every time i see a post of yours i get confused, I thought devrant was built by dfox? are you dfox? is this your alt account? are you employed by dfox? so many questions.
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    @bananaerror no, I am not dfox. I am a 17 year-old iOS developer from Israel, I reverse-engineered the devRant content servers and now I am building my own, native command-space iOS and macOS app for devRant. I am also not employed by dfox, this is just a passion project of mine. I was sick of all the crashes on iOS that I just decided to make my own client as a challenge and as a project that would go into my resume. It's open-source, so if you'd like to take a look, then here is the app's source:

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    @OmerFlame :o

    that's very cool, and rather impressive for a 17yo! Looking very nice!
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    @bananaerror Thank you! I am planning on releasing it privately on TestFlight, but that will require a paid developer certificate D:
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    @OmerFlame you do get some other perks with it though! but maybe not £99-worth benefits ;o;
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    @OmerFlame Too complicated work tho
    Designing UI on your own, using API for loading rants, making functions to comment and ++d, filtering data, push notifications, subscribe to different fellow users ..........
    This is tougher than how it looks

    Make sure to tell everyone incl. @dfox and @trogus when your project is completed
    They will definitely appreciate your work!

    Hope to earn this much knowledge till I reach your age
    Some cases match ;)
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    @Eklavya currently, push notifications are an issue. I need a paid Apple developer certificate in order to implement push notifications, and that’s 100$ per year. However, in-app notifications work almost flawlessly.
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