
Why is it that the internet is full of fucking "getting started" and "crashcourse" and "essentails" bullshit, but when you're looking for some truly deep stuff like all the ins & outs of MacOS native app devevlopment using SwiftUI, there's NOTHING!

For fuck's sake. People really only demand superficial fake knowledge and don't require depth at all?!!

  • 4
    Yep. Thinking hard for brain
  • 11
    Making a course or tutorial requires time an effort.

    An individual would like to have money from this.

    They are paid based on course popularity.

    See pluralsight and compare amount of votes on "beginner" courses vs "professional".

    Then take into account that beginner course is much easier to do, plus it pay more, and you have your answer.
  • 6
    its an apple thing.

    windows support: "dear customer..."

    linux community : "...so this goes there and bobs your uncle."

    apple community : "YoUrE HolDiNg It wRoNg! IM sO tRiGgErRed!"
  • 3
    There is the Wikipedias, Youtube, pirated ebooks (but they are impossible to find for muggles), SciHub (for the juicy papers), and a shitton of tiny special interest blogs and forums.

    It isn't that it isn't out there. It is just hard to find, because it is buried under all the beginner stuff and ads for paywalled shit in search results (except when you know exactly what you are searching for in which case you normally don't need it anymore).
  • 1
    @Oktokolo kudos for perseverence.
    tried to find how to make a keyboard shortcut for native terminal under macos.
    after half an hour finding answers of the type "you dont", i finally stumbled on how to do that. gave up because it seems to equate to learning that macos scripting language (automator).
    and this is the extent of macos development im ever going to do... having to use macs at school is painful enough...

    i hate macs; apple makes everything more difficult than it needs to be...
  • 1
    Well, Apple is known for selling high-priced gilded cages. Naturally, gilded cages attract way less tinkerers and power users than more open systems.
    So i would expect there to be less hackery stuff for that systems on the web. Also as that gilded cages are more pricy than other systems, their buyers are (in general) more willing to pay for software, services and information.
    So it is to be expected that more of the available stuff is paywalled somehow...

    TLDR: Use Apple stuff as shipped or use something else.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo yeah, gilded cages. built with purpose.

    their design philosophy has bitten me in the ass twice already in my assignments.

    once when i had to recode printf, (quirks included).
    turns out macos uses different libraries than linux. it becomes apparent when you get into the weird side like when you use negative values for field width.
    i code on linux, so i had to do the assignment twice.

    another time i was messing around with a graphic library, trying to make it work on macos.
    got halfway through until i stumbled upon the fact that opengl works differently than on linux/windows.
    tried to make it work anyways, but all the info i got was "opengl is irrelevant these days because were migrating to metal"
    thats a week going down the drain as i was learning along the way.

    at first i hated mac. now i just am indifferent like you would be towards the rich kid in class who thinks life experience is buying thing...
  • 3
    Read the docs and forums. Tutorials are great for beginner stuff, but with the complexity of the task, the amount of knowledge they'd have to teach you grows exponentially, so it's infeasible to make an expert's tutorial.
  • 1
    @bad-frog I used to like macos. It really was different 7-10 years ago. It really was a BSD operating system that did things *mostly* like Linux. Then, I switched to Linux and realized what I was missing.

    I think the thing that killed macs for me is the new proprietary arm chip. I hope Linux will eventually run on it, but I have my doubts....
  • 0
    @natesymer yeah, tim cook turned apple from a computer company into a designer furniture one.

    but looking at it from another side, society has drastically changed in the past decade. so i guess they adjusted their marketing accordingly.

    as for linux for their arm's, it seems it has been done:

    seems they underestimated the power of distilled autism:p

    but then, tbh, why bother? gpu compute solves thread intensive tasks just fine
  • 0
    learn data structures in two fucking hours , a course that took me a whole semester and I still don't don't what the fuck am doing half the time, you youtube educators and your fucking google driven knowledge eat scat you dumb fucks go into crypto and sell your BS there
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