
So this year I had a subject at university called "Linux internal architecture", and for the last assignment I had to write a kernel module and interact with it with a separate program written in C.

Once I had finished and tested the driver, I went on to write the other program, which was supposed to use system calls to read and write data to the module. While debugging this program (~500 lines of code) I reached the level of frustration where you just start printing absurd messages everywhere in your code to see what's wrong. So for example instead of printing "This error happened in this function", my error messages were more like "Fuck this fucking function it doesn't fucking work".

Guess who forgot to delete all those messages before sending the code to the teacher...

Also, if a specific mode is selected, the program enters a while(1) that, apart from doing what it's expected to do, also creates a file in the user's home directory called something like 'motherfucker' and appends the words 'fuck this shit' to it. INFINITELY.

I really really hope this teacher doesn't try to run the program in his own computer, or he's in for a big surprise.

  • 7
    You made me exhale quickly through my nose while I'm dead tired. Good Job, human.
  • 0
    It should be amusing if anything, just the while maybe not.
  • 1
    Well done sir * slow claps *
  • 0
    @erikdreyer11 I think the correct translation would be something like IT engineering or something like that.

    Since this is my last year, I got to choose 3 different subjects from a big list of 30 or so, and this was one of them
  • 7
    1 - testes cursing messages should be expected by a good teacher

    2 - if he runs students C code on a machine that is not an isolated virtual machine he deservers to have everything delete by mistake from some random bug
  • 4
    Reminds me of a time at uni with one of our first ever coursework submissions. Basically we had to do some user input validation. One of my friends, for some strange reason decided to add an incest comment next to one of the input checks, basically suggesting that the user was incredibly stupid for putting this invalid input. Needless to say he had a few meetings with the head of year after the deadline.
  • 0
    Buddy, learn to use your debugger! It will save you so much time and energy, it lets you see what is happening as you go like by line.

    Take it from me, it has saved me a lot of heartache and headache
  • 0
    Also C Lion and QT Creator are great IDEs to start with in order to see that debugging in real time.
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