
I received a LinkedIn message from a recruiter who thinks I'd be a good fit for a role that requires being fluent in German.

My LinkedIn profile clearly states I only have elementary proficiency in German.

I'm gonna reply and see how long it will take for him to notice 😈

  • 2
    He will never notice.
  • 3
    Well. Linkedin has been offering me a position as Spanish teacher.

    I don't speak Spanish.
  • 2
    Every section of my profile screams that I'm a developer, and still I get a couple of messages each month from recruiters offering me a great position as a sales representative or marketing manager. Because of course.
  • 2
    @hodor you don't know how good a sales manager you can be
  • 3
    Reply in your very best (bad) German!
  • 2
    I worked as a Sales Assistant when I was 16 and I still get LinkedIn messages for Sales Assistant positions all the way across the country.

    LinkedIn was great before they went and fucked it.
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