my manager pings me to get info on stuff he's coordinating with others.
such as, it this possible to do? what's the estimate? what's the flow?
and then he pawns it off as his own input.
and when the information flows back to me, I hear folks saying that he came with this idea/estimate.

maybe it's a typical manager thing to use engineer's input as their own grasp/knowledge of the project. at least they should extend the courtesy of acknowledgement.

  • 4
    Turn it around and start feeding him bogus info that's still kinda believable. See how much you can make him talk like the character of a bad sci-fi show with made-up jargon.

    Edit: Bonus points if you can somehow shoehorn trendy shit in, like the blockchain or smart contracts or NFTs.
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    @deadlyRants haha
    one I'll break, and my broken integrity will allow this
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    @deadlyRants my man knows how to gas light
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    Have you talked about this in a private meeting?
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    @IntrusionCM nope. how do you even approach this topic?
  • 1
    @sleepless make an appointment for a short meeting, explain calm and neutral that you are not comfortable with him taking credit for your work.

    Be empathetic. Guilt is a viable weapon.
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    Just small advice - note down all this incidents with exact date, time and context. You'll need if/when it comes to confrontation.
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