@dfox please unlock all these shitty pixels for everyone so these spamming newbie cunts stop memes and shitty spams to get enough ++ for those shitty pixels.

Not every interaction is good for this community.

  • 1
    These ones?
  • 5
    You can get ++'s by commenting too.

    I'd just disable posting for users with less than 15 ++'s or however many is necessary for an avatar change.

    Let them interact with the community first rather than spam the feed.
  • 2
    @C0D4 awww I totally forgot Hitler looking like pixel art 😂
  • 0
    Probably the least offensive and least common of the negative interactions
  • 1
    @Hazarth "Hey, this is devRant. New users aren't allowed to rant though..."
  • 0
    @sbiewald when you put it like that, yeah, not a good look.

    We can't stop em from posting then, but we are also discoursged from downvoting new users that post only for attention...

    Hmm.. what about a separate category for welcoming new users? A lot of forums and chat servers tend to have a separate thread where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

    Perhaps then those posts would have a place to be posted? It could be even encouraged through the UI for new users to introduce themselves first, which would maybe give them a better first contact experience?

    Or we can just drop the avatar requirement as suggested by OP I wouldn't mind eitherway
  • 1
    If I may,

    I subscribed a long time ago, never really been an active member. But once in a while I open the app an scroll to see what's new. And very often there's nothing new at all : it's the same boring self-centered threads about how memes are the invader from outside, the same "the devrant tag is not for ranting" and other infinite loops. This community is boring and spoiler alert its not because of the memes or the shitpost or the newbies : it's because of gatekeeping jerks who seems to have nothing better to do with their lives than looking for some social validation on a web app.

    That beeing said, that's only my point if view and i'm not opposed to anyone here. Actually I'm going back yo silent mode. Bye devrant.
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