
This applies only to Headphone guys. Don't listen to songs that contain lyrics you understand. Something with foreign lyrics you can't predict is fine. This way you won't find your brain resonating with the song instead of your code.

I'm pretty sure most of you already knew this, but it's worth mentioning

  • 0
    @Xunie or just do that. Just having a steady rhym is all I need
  • 2
    Lol yeah, people eating while I'm working drives me nuts. Makes me reach for Lamb of God.
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    Absolutely right, I recommend KPOP. I personally like lipservice's yum yum yum
  • 2
    I actually have a harder time playing music I don't know because I find myself wanting to learn the words, or just learn the song in general. I work best while listening to obnoxious music from my childhood haha maybe that's just me though. Distractions tend to stimulate my brain and keep me going.
  • 1
    Yeah, exact opposite for me. Music I can't understand is distracting at best and infuriating at worst. Turns out I get in the zone when I put on some quality tunes I know and just start mouthing along to the words. Get some strange looks sometimes but fuck 'em, I'm getting work done and they're not.
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