Breakfast of Champions

  • 6
    I will miss Mexico so much, here you can get really tasty burritos for half a buck in the morning, this in north mexico, in south and center you can get beautiful tacos for breakfast. And I mean real tacos and burritos not the crappy ones in TacoBell
  • 1
    I'm not sure I'm seeing the problem here.
  • 3
    @thureos yeah I'll miss that too, but take advantage of it as long as I can
  • 2
    @jpichardo I'm gonna miss burritos, tacos, montados, menudo, tortas, barbacoa, birria so much : (.
    But I have a secret... I'm learning how to make barbacoa and pastor!
  • 3
    @thureos Me too, but especially chilaquiles, mole and ceviche, I still have to learn to do those
  • 1
    ++ just for the Dr. Pepper
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