
Web developers, how long does it take for you to make a responsive web page?

Let's say the page is a fancy one with lots of images and gradients and buttons and wavy section dividers with little to no consistency.

It's been 2 days and I'm still far from completing one.

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    I use a framework, so just a couple of minutes. Lately I've been using Bulma, it's pretty nice.
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    @ars1 That is fast.
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    More than 15 days.
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    @Raf1d Wow. Can you tell me more about it?
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    @endroll if you are new in this then you need to keep patience.
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    About 3 months (if you actually want to make one)
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    @ars1 I think he used a word "responsive"
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    @Eklavya how is Bulma's defaults not reaponsive?
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    Depends on the scope and requieeme, but it can be up to 3 or 4 months if everything is built from scratch
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    I use material-ui + React & I'm terrible at CSS :/ so like couple hours
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    As long as it takes to make it, really. Responsiveness doesn’t factor in as added time or effort. So how long does it take to make a web page? That’s exactly as long as it takes to make it responsive. Though, I must admit, making it responsive rightaway from the start with or without UI frameworks does come with experience.
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    Depends on the design, if it's good and consistent with mobile first mock ups, then its a breeze, if they just give you shitty one with just desktop mock ups, then it is question time.

    I would ask the shit out of designer about everything from break points to animations and behaviour of every element and would document that convo so when I am done i have proof for every decision.

    Helps if you have some design knowledge, so you can ask why this shitty thing is shitty-made and not made properly and give constructive example.

    Designers often overdesign things, so need to have that in check.
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    Why is it a big deal? design for mobile, check it on desktop, utililize the extra space, it's that simple, then check on various sizes and see which items can wrap up, or disappear if not important.
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    @Raf1d seriously ?
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    Depending on the complexity of design it can be hours to days
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