
You guys, I think I know what is it....I think I know why I wanted to be a developer.

It started off innocently enough. I was a young lad in IT. Wide-eyed. Absorbing anything and everything I could. Then, the asshole clients came.....

I would put on my best customer service face on, and address the client as calmly and as respectfully as I could. Reminding myself that their frustration is understandable.

To deal with the increased time dealing with clients took, I developed scripts to help me handle maintenance and keep my head above water. I developed scripts to streamline equipment provisioning for big deployments. I developed scripts to handle other technicians who didn't log-off the phone queue and fucked up our on-call flow. I put in place email rules to sift through the bullshit and time wasters.

I became a developer to streamline and make myself as efficient as possible. But the clients keep nagging. The bullshit keeps coming. The other players get in your fucking way.

There is no end you guys.... THIS IS ONLY TUESDAY. I can't script the passage of time. I'm....I'm.... I need a fucking nap.

  • 6
    Hey that's how I got started too. I was in IT support and was the only one. As the task list kept growing I automated more and more using c# and vbscript. I eventually made the transition to a new job after a few years to be an entry level developer because I got so tired of trying to support third party products with clueless customer support. I like being the one to make those products and if something goes wrong, I have the source to figure out why :D

    Keep your head above water. It'll pass, I was told by my manager at my first job to make sure I leave work at a decent time because there's always work to do. No matter how much you work there will always be more, so make sure I get my rest so I don't burn out.
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