
Suggest me a free NodeJS hosting except runkit and heroku

  • 10
    Your old pc in the attic
  • 3
    Localhost + ngrok?
  • 1
    Free: Raspberry Π or an old PC 👀

    Otherwise bounce around cloud hosts and chew through the free tiers. Your code should be in GIT anyway so shouldn't be to hard to jump around.
  • 5
    There are many (vercel, Repl.it, glitch etc.) but don't offer anything new than those you are avoiding, Raspberry Pi is a good investment, or localhost on laptop, or your phone.
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    Get a vm on digitalocean, 5 dollar per month
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    AWS has a free tier
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    @alexbrooklyn I tried it's 2 month free trial when I was learning Flask, it has a lot of features but it couldn't meet my requirements
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    @volttide I installed it but whenever I close my terminal, my website vanishes
    Is there any way to run it forever?
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    Oracle has free tier
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    @Eklavya sadly no, you need the terminal open, or find a way to run it in the background process
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    @volttide I have my code deployed on Heroku, it is using CronJob to run it once a day. Neither the site gets crashed nor my work is done. Can you help me with this?
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    Got idea about creating useful tool to run "fastly" on these nodejs hosting platforms, everyone of them have poor performance and small disk space in free plan. Everytime i runned it disk space was full.
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    Free azure app service
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  • 1
    @theabbie I found an app on Google Play, https://play.google.com/store/apps/...

    With cronjob, it works excellent on my mobile and I don't think so it is using much RAM
    Btw congrats for 5k+
  • 4
    @Eklavya A better solution is Termux, it's a full terminal and can do anything possible in a terminal, should try it.
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