Off the leetcode charts mfuckers!! See how the fastest on the chart is 116 ms? Lol

  • 23
    lol, clown sex
  • 2
    i see what u did there
  • 9
    Seeing a picture of a monitor instead of a screen capture will always make me twitch.
  • 6
    So, you got 100% test coverage and had sex with a clown? Is this what I'm seeing here?? Because that's fucking incredible if you did them simultaneously 😉
  • 7
    If your monitor looks like this... I don’t wanna see your clown-sex infected room full of dildos.

    Clean up, disgusting human!
  • 1
    Is that dirt on a screen or on a web page...
  • 1
    @Pogromist that’s my screen!
  • 2
    *Sigh* you hardcoded 90 test cases didn't you?
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