I hate Chrome Books/ ChromeOS. I was recently told that at my job we would be using Chrome Books and I am not excited, chrome os is essentially a mobile software on a real computer, the only redeeming factor is the Linux support in the developer betas.

Chrome books suck.

  • 1
    The keyboard layouts are all fucked up. Otherwise, they are perfectly usable machines, at least the ones you can get a custom firmware for and run any linux distro on.
  • 0
    @electrineer exactly my problem is more with Chrome os
  • 1
    Step 1: Install Linux.
    Step 2: Stop whining.
    Step 3: ???
    Step 4: Profit.
  • 1
    @atheist step 3 is to install lolcat and sl for maximum efficiency while devving
  • 0
    Just curious, what job is it that you're doing, where you can use ChromeOS? If you're a dev, do they expect you to use one of these "Cloud" IDEs also?
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