this is my cousin😎, his name is Gentoo(named after linux distro Gentoo(named after penguin species called Gentoo))

I suggested his name, all my folks thought that it's a cool name.

* he's now 10yrs. old, very stable, photo is taken with his permission

  • 11
    Btw he uses Arch Linux
  • 4
    From Wikipedia:
    The application of gentoo to the penguin is unclear. Gentoo was an Anglo-Indian term to distinguish Hindus from Muslims. The English term may have originated from the Portuguese gentio ("pagan, gentile"). Some speculate that the white patch on the bird's head was thought to resemble a turban.
  • 3
    Why 😎?
  • 1
    In some languages it sounds really nice. Don't like the English pronunciation much. Love the distro and the penguins!
  • 10
    This is my cousin. His name is Arch. Well, they didn't manage to boot it successfully yet.
  • 1
    So nobody's asking about these eyes, eh? K then.
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