Guys I am new to Android Development,

1. Can anyone suggest me the most comprehensive Android Development Course on Udemy?

2. And I as I am new I was thinking that some apps say that they have to maintain their server but why, app is running on their phone memory. What does it have to do with server?

  • 2
    1) 🤷‍♂️

    2) apps rely on external servers to fetch data, think internet browsing a news site, you wouldn't send that news article to EVERY single device, you make the device request the data.

    If the server(s) are undergoing upgrades for what ever reason that may entail, then you can't connect to them.
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    @C0D4 So even devRant is dependent on external servers for real time data?
  • 0
    Why are you looking for a course specifically from Udemy?
  • 1
    @asgs Because it's cheaper there...
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    @VinayakWebDev yes, otherwise how do you send this comment (for example) to 50k* devices in real time?

    A: You don't 😉
    Unless your app is very static (nothing changes or rarely changes) then their would be a server somewhere to hold the data.

    * devRant said there's 50k developers on here, not sure how accurate that is though 😅
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    @C0D4 Doesn't firebase helps in these cases or it is the *external server* everyone talking about?
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    @VinayakWebDev that counts as an external server in this use case.
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    @C0D4 Okay...

    Means firebase does this for us.

    So can't we make the external server ourselves instead of using firebase and use it via api?
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    @VinayakWebDev yep, you can do that too, this is usually the way for a pre-existing website that offers a mobile app unless they use a web view, basically browser inside the app.

    You could use a local database on the phone for small apps like todo lists or similar but that restricts your app to that device only without some kind of external data store.
  • 1
    @C0D4 Thankyou for clearing me.

    And I wanted to know that is digital ocean $5 droplet enough for these website and serving data to app, maybe 20 requests a time?
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    @VinayakWebDev depending on the scale of your app (concurrent connections / amount of data) then yea it can be.

    You should work out what you want to build, make a small environment and see where it gets you. At some point you'll probably have to scale up the environment once you start getting enough traffic or content, or both.
  • 1
    @C0D4 Well we can solve this by using firebase as well and as firebase is also available to connect with Websites.

    Thanks you, now I am clear♥️
  • 0
    There's one course in free code camp tho it is free , or even better go to goalkicker get the ebook there.
  • 0
    Don't. It's terrible.
  • 0
    I can specifically tell you that you can get udemy courses for free through googling "freecoursesite", then searching for your own courses from those sites you get, you get free udemy courses synced inside torrents.

    If you're religious don't do it.

    If torrent is illegal in your country don't do it.
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