
Found a function called WriteActualFile 😖

  • 2
    Now to find the AttemptToWriteActualFile!
  • 2
    It wouldn't surprise me. It is all classic ASP. The code to write a different file is in global scope...but there is that function to write the actual one 😅
  • 0
    Honestly... I see the logic in this.
    Perhaps a WriteFile method writes the data to a file object, while the method you mentioned saves the actual file?
  • 1
    @corjaantje You assume the code makes sense. Unfortunately, it doesn't 😓

    I just dive in to the code knowing I'll have to wade (neck deep) through the crazy things that are in there
  • 3
    I wonder what does WriteFakeFile does?? 😑😑😑
  • 1
    @mrstebo uh-oh, you walked into a trap and now it's on you to refactor.
  • 1
    We have a method called "actuallyLogTheGuyIn" that I always laugh at.
  • 0
    @onebit0fme I wish I could refactor...but the boss told me he wanted "minimal changes" 😄
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