  • 1
    ESC key followed by ":" followed by "!"

    P.S. 5 days isn't even beginner level. You should spend a bit more time to get some real mastery of it:)
  • 0
    Wrong tag, this isn't a "rant"... unless it's a rant about Vim, but this is also marked as joke/meme so I don't know about that

    That being said, I did laugh
  • 0
    @Hazarth Thanks for telling ;)
  • 1
    @xMadxHatterx should work with <ESC> :q <Enter>
    aswell. There are actually quite a few ways to exit vim
  • 1
    I Just saw that on reddit now what a coincidence
  • 2
    Do not cite the stale joke to me, green dot; I was there on Discord when it was created.

    (And it wasn’t funny then, either.)
  • 0
    ZZ <- save quit
    ZQ <- quit discard changes
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